Why will you visit Blogger, Orkut, or even Google Adsense? The obvious answers would be , to write a post, check scraps, or account status etc. And for all these activities, you are required to login by entering your username & password.
But why do Google thinks that we visit Blogger to find out the new features launched or Orkut, to look at the Pics of those bunch morons because that is what they load first. I mean to say, if you are on a slow connection and want to access Orkut, they will first show the header, then some text followed by the group picture and in the end the box to enter your username & password.
So you have to wait for the entire page to download before you can login, which can be easily avoided if they set the order by the priority of the activity on the page.
I hope someone from their team can hear this.
Nice Observation Satya. I ahd similar observation long back then I came to know that buggy orkut,outdated blogger and gmail are not officail product of google done by there employee at free time.Since they are not making any profit they may not hav higher prioty for upgrade and maintense.I beleive the original creator of service or productmust be busy with google officail product and nobady bother about his creation at google :)
That why they say there is no such thing as free luch :)
Hi Curious Mind...Orkut & Blogger are not google's product at all.. though i can't say much about gmail....
Being a part of an online enterprise service provider, i can very well understand what u are trying to say...but increasing competition will make all of us think twice before delivering a "poor" product even if its for free...
thanks for sharing your thoughts...
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